Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bow vs Sup

   I don't understand why Thai people aren't fat. I guess it's genetics or something. Living in America, watching how Americans eat and behave, I understand why some Americans are fat. Thai people are so tiny, and they eat a lot! It's not like they really eat all that healthy. I know that I eat healthier in America because here the healthier version of food just isn't available. Most meals include lots of simple starches, a deep fried meat, and a VERY sugary drink. They eat pretty frequently too. Now I understand that on a college campus I have a skewed perception and this is not how all Thai people eat. But they are still super skinny....and most of them eat like they are getting ready for hibernation. They don't really exercise that much either. Every Thai person I have talked to think it is ridiculous that I walk 1.5 miles to get to the hospital. I think part of it is that they don't want to get dark from being in the sun. In general they eat comparably to Americans and are active about as much as Americans, so why are Americans so much more fat? Beats me. 
      While in Thailand I have also experienced a pleasant increase in self confidence. You would think I would have been more self conscious being surrounded by super thin asians. However the whole stick figure thing quickly lost appeal in my eye and I have found myself more fully embracing my own body.  Now I can not take full credit for this increase in self acceptance. A fair amount of it could be due to the fact that many people here treat me like a small scale celebrity. It is kind of nice when people that you don't know are overtly friendly and polite. That doesn't really happen a lot to me in America. Here if a guy you don't know wants to get your attention he will wave, bow, tell you you're beautiful and move on. Occasionally they will ask for your name or where you are from, but they are still polite about it Note that I am not talking about college aged guys who pretty much never try to interact with me. This behavior is a pretty stark contrast from the "sups," head nods, winks, and cheap pick up lines that I have gotten used to America. I think that some people take strangers opinions of them more seriously than those of family and friends. Of course those who love you are going to love you and say you're pretty. What can I say when strangers treat you like a classy and pretty lady you start to feel that way. Boys back home need to take note. Bowing is the new "sup."

This was in the post office. I thought it was interesting how America was on the right side.

There are parking attendants like these in every parking lot to help people park their cars.
I don't think it would hurt America too much to invest in a few of these.

Sheep placenta anyone? 
My dinner with our Thai Language class

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