Thursday, January 3, 2013

Orientation Time

     This morning we had orientation with the rest of the MUIC (Mahidol University International College) students. It was really cool getting to meet so many students from all over the world who were going to be our classmates for the rest of the trimester. I was already pretty close with the students from my KEI group so at lunch I decided to eat with these two other girls who were sitting by themselves. They were French and it was nice getting to talk to them at first, but it quickly became apparent that they just wanted to be on their own. After a few minutes of introductions they returned to their fast paced french conversation. A few minutes later they moved to another empty table. Oppps my bad. Maybe some French stereotypes are kinda true lol.
Tierra, Shannon, Rebecca, and I about to leave for orientation
Looking down from my balcony at night

At orientation getting our uniforms and IDs made
Last night I decided to be adventurous and buy some pickled mango. The adventure ended quickly. It was nasty. They dipped it in the spicy sugar. blah
The view when looking left on the balcony
I've still been struggling with jet lag so last night when I was having trouble sleeping I went and got some of my new milk out of the fridge. It tasted kind of sour so I looked at the date and it said 7-1-13 (except I thought the 7 was a 1 in my sleepy state). So I freaked out and dumped it down the drain on the balcony. When I was telling my friends about how sad I was that I bought expired milk they pointed out to me that in Thailand the date goes day-month-year. So my milk wasn't expired after all. Sad times for Amanda :(

my bed :)



kitchen lol

closet, tv, dresser, desk, and getting ready station
Tonight we are going on a fancy riverboat dinner cruise!!! Yay I'm so excited. I hope that everybody is having a lovely day and I appreciate you taking time to read my blog!


  1. sooo coool! I wanna hear everything about the dinner cruise so much fun!

  2. your apartment is very cute, much more modern than I would have thought, so far it looks like you have a semester in vacation land :)

  3. haha yea pretty much, well at least minus all the loved ones that would make it a perfect vacation
